Do we need marriage counseling? What's happened to us? Is this the same person I married? Am I the same person I used to be? Why do we argue so much? Will we ever be happy again in our marriage?
These are the kinds of questions that often lead couples to consider working with a professional marriage therapist.
Sometimes married couples can't quite put their finger on what's wrong. They only know that they feel distant from one another or are losing respect for their partner. They may be fantasizing about being single again, having affairs or simply finding themselves increasingly resentful and bitter.
Couples often seek marriage counseling when they find themselves:
• Not spending enough time together
• Feeling ignored or discounted
• Frequently arguing
• Feeling angry, resentful or bitter
• Feeling isolated and emotionally distant from their partner
• Losing affection and interest in their partner
• Losing respect for their partner
• Acting out by being physically or emotionally unfaithful
• Fantasizing being single again
Often, people do not seek marriage counseling until a crisis occurs. But it is a worthwhile investment anytime in your relationship which will pay big dividends to you, your partner and your children in the long run. Marriage counselors value confidentiality and are also respectful of each partner's values and traditions so they create a safe haven for both partners to solve their marital problems.
Couples counseling can help you to:
• Learn specific skills to stabilize, develop and strengthen your relationship
• Comfortably examine conflict and negotiate change in complete safety
• Identify the real causes of conflict and strategize effective ways to deal with them
• Comfortably negotiate change
• Discover your own and your partner's untapped resources
• Create a relationship that enhances your life and allows you to grow both individually and in your intimacy together
I help Maryland couples resolve conflict and enhance their relationships. Couples learn to engage their own creativity and problem solving skills to achieve their goals in a supportive, friendly atmosphere. In my work I use the Imago method, a method known for quick results. You can read more about the marriage counseling techniques that I use and how they work in my practice in Rockville, Maryland.
Marriage counseling is for you if:
• You argue frequently and you want to find a way to resolve conflicts together
• Your relationship is in trouble and you want to save it
• You want to set a high standard for your children and their future relationships
With over 30 years of experience, I am well equipped to usher couples through times of marital troubles, helping to stabilize things long enough for real healing to begin. Please call me at my direct number in Rockville, Maryland at
301-272-1320 so we can talk about your current situation and to find out how I may be able to help you.